Welcome TribeRN Customers!

We are so happy you're here! Serving this community of nurses and medical professionals is a deep passion of ours and we hope this free gift is helpful for you in your career. 

We kindly ask that you treat this gift as it is intended - for your personal use. We KNOW your friends would love it as well and hope that you'll share our amazing products with them so that they can enjoy this free gift too after their own purchase. This supports us and helps us to continue to produce resources to support you!

Enter your email to get your free gift and to join our TribeRN community now!

*Outside of the U.S.?

Having resources that are accurate and applicable to your practice is a top priority to us! Our founder, Chelsey, is a nurse, who was trained and works in the United States.

We are aware of the major differences in the system of measurement in the United States from the rest of the world.

For this reason, we do not currently support international sales.

We appreciate our nurses world wide and if the demand is high enough, we will explore creating a metric version in the future.


Having issues? Contact us here

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